I attempted to go to work today. When I arrived, I put on my best "I can do this" face and walked in the building to face the day. The first person I ran into in the hallway asked me if I was feeling alright and I burst into tears.
Who was I kidding? I felt like crap.
So I shuffled together my sub plans and called it a day.
I've been sick since the moment I woke up Sunday morning. I have not been able to eat or drink anything besides delicious Hi-C juiceboxes and water.
Sidebar: Why are 90 calories of Orange Lavaburst goodness so satisfying when I'm sick?
So anyways, on my way out the door a friend of mine said, "Try to feel better, Death-Warmed-Over". Did I really look that bad? I had to find out, so I took this picture when I got home.
Apparently, yes. Yes, I did.

Oh, sick days.
1 comment:
oh.. how i am very glad you posted the sick picture :) but i'm not happy you were sick. occasionally i have secretly wished i would be ill so i could stay home and not have to go to work. However, the VERY FIRST SIGN of he flu i plead with God and ask that I can take back the request because it was soo foolish!
hope you're feeling better! will you be home in CF/waverly next friday night?!
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