This week I have to decide on paint and a color scheme for our basement. The drywallers should be finished tomorrow (yay!) and Jay wants to get started priming and painting ASAP.
Since it is such a large area, I decided about a week ago that I'd go with a very light neutral beige color for the walls. We will use the area for a lot of things, and beige just But as the days this week have progressed, my mind has wandered to crazier colors.
I now have an "inspiration" for the basement. I'll give you a hint, it's not beige. Far from it. And unfortunately for painter Jay, my inspiration requires a few switch-arounds on our main level, too. He won't mind repainting one of the walls in the living room again - will he? (Even if it's the largest wall?) I don't think he'll mind moving some of the furniture from upstairs down to the basement either. Oh, how I love my patient husband. Maybe I'll let him buy that new big screen after all. :)
I can't wait for my vision to completely come together! Why can't I resist painting a clean blank wall a bright color?

Beige, you're beautiful, but you're not for me.