(I'm doing a little celebration dance...)
I've been spending most of my time the past couple of weeks knee-deep in papers, preparing for upcoming conferences. It's amazing to me that our district believes that giving us 4 hours some afternoon for "prep time" will truly prepare us for this event! (Oh well, that's how it goes.) Although it's a stressful part of my job, I enjoy taking the time to reflect on the progress the kids have made thus far. It's amazing how far they can come in a few short months.
Next week brings some long days and nights, but I'm really looking forward to meeting with their parents. Sometimes 20 minutes with a students parents can create some huge "aha" moments. The apple doesn't usually fall too far from the tree!
I love your blog that you started and posted on Facebook. How exciting that we can keep up with you and Jay! Good luck with the conferences-that's one thing I don't miss about teaching!! SOO much work:)
i love the new layout and fall colors! i scheme months ahead about the layout of my blog... haha (yeah, i know, dumb) LOVE LOVE LOVE THE BROWN!
and thanks for all your fantastic encouragement!!! confidence like that really makes me want to strive to learn more and practice more :)
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