This is our first official day in Mass (as the locals and cool people call it) and our first day to do some exploring. To truly do Massachusetts justice, we thought we should rent something grandeuos like a ship real explorers came to America on. Hmm, how about a Kia spectra? Close enough.

After our 1:30 am arrival last night, and waking up in time to take advantage of free continental breakfast this morning, we were still a little owly. Captain Jay Schmithz, a descendant of John Smith, suggested we start our day with a real sailors brew. An iced mocha latte from Dunkin’ Donuts. Perfect.

After a scenic journey, our Spectra finally landed in Plymouth. Here we refreshed our minds on the history of our great nation. We learned of our ancestors and their struggles to start new colonies and explore the territory.

We also saw the actual Plymouth “rock”, although the rock has been fabricated into our nation’s history. There is no historical documentation of the rock in 1620 when the colony was first founded. The rock wasn’t mentioned until 120 years later when some elder of a church pointed out a rock and said that it was the exact rock his dad told him the pilgrims landed on years before. It was probably, in fact, just some guy telling a story to his kid, trying to get him to shut up about the Pilgrims already.

Captain Schmithz explained to me this fake Mayflower ship was very similar to the one his ancestors arrived on.

I thought it looked kinda old fashioned, so I looked for a rich man on a yacht with modern amenities to save me from this crazy sailor.

After filling our brains with history, we spent the rest of the afternoon walking the same streets, eating at the same restaurants, and shopping at the same souvenir shops the pilgrims did hundreds of years ago. Jay’s favorite part of the day was his authentic soft serve oreo cookie ice cream cone – just like Governor Bradford and Captain Myles Standish used to eat.

PS - We also spent the entire day looking for a shirt that said, "Plymouth Rocks!" as we thought that would be the coolest shirt ever. The only shirt we found of any interest was this one we thought Jay's mom would appreciate. She loves play-on-words, and we thought it'd make her giggle.
When Captain Schmithz was explaining the fake Mayflower ship that was very similar to the one his ancestors arrived on, was he also pretending to have one foot on a rock, or is that a common pose of his ancestors that he was replicating?
Jay says, "that's how captains pose". Lol. Glad you noticed that, too! : )
TOTALLY LOVE the t-shirt. One night stand....hehe
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