Thursday, November 5, 2009


We're taking ITBS this week, and here is my favorite quote from the testing thus far.

Student: "Mrs. Schmitz I don't get this problem....

(Reading Aloud) At what stage is a person most likely to become a parent?

The options are:

A) Birth
B) Growth
C) Maturity
D) Decline
E) Death

Teacher: They want to know which one of those stages would you be likely to become a parent?"

With all the confidence in the world he answers, "DECLINE!"

Lol. Yes, friends, we're in our declining years.

Have a great Thursday to all of you declining people out there!


Amber said...

I love third-graders! (What a ridiculous question, though...) I felt old before I read your post!

Tana said...

I do not like the decline. I like to recline though ;)