As you may know, Jay and I aren't much into traditional gender roles.
I do a lot of handy work around the house. When we first moved into our new house, it was more important to me that the garage feels organized, so I did it.
I have atrocious and inconsistent habits when it comes to doing laundry, and it drove Jay crazy - so he does all of our laundry.
We share many other duties that might traditionally go to one gender, and it works out well for us.
But as I sit in my warm house tonight, I am thankful that I was able to take advantage of one traditional gender role this evening.
"Ohh crap, we still have to shovel the driveway," we say almost in unison as we pull up to our house.
"Oh honey, haven't you always said a woman's place is in the kitchen? I will go cook you up something warm, and you go get the driveway done," Kelsey says insincerely.
"Bullsh**. You know I say that sarcastically," Jay retorts.
"I shouldn't always take your words for face value?" Kelsey replies innocently.
"Um no, I'll go shovel now." Jay says dejectedly.
Will this last? No. Will I have to shovel the driveway many times this season? Absolutely, and I'm sure you'll hear more about it.
But for today, this woman is in the kitchen, and I'm lovin' it.