Thursday, December 3, 2009

Blue Pop

The following scene took place in my classroom today. Some students had finished their work early and were working on some writing. This is what I stumbled upon and listened in on from a distance....

Drew has been working on a list of "good pops" during his free writing time. A list of "good pops" is just what it sounds like - a list of pops (sodas) he likes to drink. Today Drew was typing his list on the computer to publish and Connor looks over his shoulder.

"You're brainstorming good pops? You have Mt. Dew - my favorite, and Diet Pepsi, my mom's favorite, but you don't have my dad's favorite - Miller Lite," says Connor.

"Miller Lite? That's not a pop, that's beer, Connor," says Drew.

"Really? My dad says his favorite pop is blue pop, and that's Miller Lite," says Connor.

"Miller Lite is beer - which is alcohol you idiot. You didn't know that?" says Drew.

"Guess not," says Connor as he walks away.

Gotta love that blue pop. : )

P.S. - I would have reprimanded Drew for calling Connor and idiot if it weren't for the fact that I had to turn and walk away because I was laughing so hard.


JAY!!! said...

I want a blue pop right now.

Amber said...

Only in Pleasantville, (CF) would a student get to third grade thinking beer was blue pop!! :)

Johnni said...

too funny