My husband is a movie fanatic. Anyone who has met him or seen "the man room" knows this to be true. His movie taste is not limited to a specific genre, actors/actresses, or even a certain era. Jay's movie collection varies from the AFI top 100 list, to old westerns, to Glitter. (Yes, the one with Mariah Carey). He has enough movies that he on more than one occasion created a rental "system" for friends to borrow his DVDs. Yes, it's a sickness.
About a year ago, Jay proclaimed one night that he decided he should sell the movie collection. But as anyone who knows Jay also knows, he often makes bold statements that he will not follow through on.
...Until this week. Jay has decided to sell the collection, for the most part, in it's entirety.
"So what?" you say. "He's got a few movies."
18 blu-ray, 134 TV show sets, and 548 regular movies for sale to be exact. (This doesn't include the lucky few he decided to keep.) "A lot" doesn't quite do it justice.
But that's not the point of this blog. The purpose for my post is that when Jay came to this decision and shared it with his friends, family, and coworkers they all blamed
me! Here are just a few examples of the comments I've heard:
What did Kelsey do to convince you to sell your movies?
Just because you're married doesn't mean you have to sell your soul.
You love her more than your movies?
Is she threatening divorce?
I love my husband. I love him with or without all 700+ of his movies. Do you think that we dated for 8 years and I didn't know what I was getting myself into? Give me a little credit!
maybe he has a little obsessiveness for movies... Big deal. I would never ask him to get rid of that. It's a part of the package - a bonus feature. (Jay just cringed at my lame joke)
Maybe when we said "In sickness and health" they didn't quite mean the kind of sickness where one acquires many many movies, but I think if you look closely, it was heavily implied.