#1 - Overall, my enthusiasm for winter weather has EXPIRED. Today the windchill was -21, and anyone who is reading this in Iowa knows this isn't the first time we've seen it this year. The kiddos can't go outside for recess and they are all cooped up and stir-crazy indoors. All whining aside, Dottie and I shoveled another few inches of snow today after work and had a little fun despite the frigid temperatures. We play our shoveling game, and Dottie thinks it's about as much fun as she's ever had.
- Kelsey scoops up snow in the shovel
- Dottie sneaks up on the shovel and sniffs it
- Kelsey and Dottie exchange sneaky glances
- Kelsey throws the snow up in the air
- Dottie runs away from the "scary" snow
-Repeat : )
# 2 - Yesterday, Jay cleaned out our cupboards and refrigerator and gave me a lesson on expiration dates. In the six months we've been married he's never really done a dig-through of the cupboards in my err...our house. And, well, turns out we had some expired products in them. For anyone who has seen my 8 ft. by 8 ft. kitchen, you now must be wondering how many expired food products could I possibly acquire in such a teeny space?
This chore worked very simply as well:
- Jay digs in cupboard and pulls out food product
- Kelsey says, "That's ___!! That doesn't expire! That's still good!"
- Kelsey and Jay exchange mischievous glances
- Jay announces expiration date
- Jay throws the product in garbage sack
- Kelsey groans and goes into a giggle fit, "That was fine, I swear!"
-Repeat : )
This chore went on for nearly a half an hour until we had rid ourselves of all expired products, laughed until we cried, and realized my high hopes of being a master in the kitchen are nowhere in my future.
Who knew things like Crisco, rice, vegetable oil, chocolate chips, marshmallows, jello, salad toppers, taco shells, nuts, and even karo syrup expires? Okay, probably most people, but not me.
The oldest food item? Those "autumn" sprinkles right there in my hand. Expiration date? September 2006. Yep, those babies have been with me since college.
I tried really hard to find a story about someone dying from a poison sprinkle to prove you wrong, but alas, I could not. I think the lesson we should take from all of this is you should make me cookies more often. That way none of the delicious cookie ingredients go bad, and I eat delicious cookies all day. It's win-win really.
Also to those reading, I was out of town for work today. That is why my poor wifey had to shovel in zero degree weather. I was not inside playing videogames like I was during our latest remodeling project. I just wanted to clarify!
Great blog babe.
VEGETABLE OIL!?!??! You have got to be kidding me. Well, I think you just gave me a very informative lesson on expiration dates. i'm feeling like I should go check my cupboards. GREAT POST!
Jables and I have a similar routine when I shovel, with one little twist. He puts a rawhide bone on the shovel when I'm not looking and wags his tail expectantly until I slingshot his bone into the backyard. It's good fun as well.
Also, I liked the line "This exercise has literally taught me nothing." It's good to know you and Jay have so much in common.
Kelsey, I am with you on this one! Expiration dates are a suggestion, not a rule. I do have my limits but those sprinkles would still be alive in my kitchen! Great writing too!
Cyle's the Expiration Date Cop in our partnership, and I'm with you, Kelsey - a lot of those 10-20 year old products looked perfectly good to me. Geesh.
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