When Jay and I got married, like any normal couple, we registered for many kitchen-related items. I think we both hoped that if I started cooking with my new pots and pans, we'd discover that with a little E-V-O-O, a spoonula of this, and a dash of that, I'd be the next Rachel Ray. Yummo! Meals in under 30 minutes. So far, the only delicious food that has come to our house in under 30 minutes is take-out.
I've alluded to my lack of kitchen experience in previous blogs. I've not yet picked up on the art of cooking or baking that by all accounts I should have inherited by my super-talented mom. I may be partial to her cooking - but I swear she's never made a bad meal. I made my first attempt at a not-Stouffer's lasagna the day after Christmas for my parents and my in-laws. It was actually really fun to make and the end result was edible. Maybe I'll try more cooking in the future.
Today, however, I used one of my new kitchen utensils for the first time. I'm not sure this was the purpose the gift-giver (who I'm pretty sure was my grandma) had in mind when they gifted this to me. But seriously, what a great tool! : )

Thanks Grandma! :) It's getting plenty of use.

We finally decided to do something with our DISGUSTING back steps. They have been driving me nuts practically since I moved into my house. Here is a sneak peak at the progress. I'll post official befores-and-afters when the project is finished.

This is the landing - we usually have a rug on it to hide the hideousness of it.

Unfortunately, the reason I am posting a blog right now and not working on my project is that Miss Slippery fingers had a little run-in with the utility knife while cutting a tile.

Here I am in pain and angry that I am not going to be able to finish this project today.

A gruesome shot of my thumb. No, that's not ketchup on the paper towel.
(Sidenote: If anyone was super observant, you would notice that when I was working with my rolling pin earlier, my left thumb was protected by a safety glove. Rolling pins can be rather dangerous, you know. That means that this genius took the glove off and
then picked up a razor blade and cut.her.thumb.apart.)
Where's Jay? Playing video games and taking my picture. Love ya hubby. ; )
Kelsey! KELSEY!! I don't know why I just shout-typed your name. Anyway, I really like the blog. Its a very happy place. I also appreciate that you and Jay have a refreshing disregard for gender roles, what with you doing home repair and Jay being a woman.
Oh Jay.... :)
Marley and Me was possibly the best movie ever, and a bit teary.
I was thinking, maybe if I feed you and give you a warm bed you could come to my house and do special projects!
If you were busy working on the landing, who was busy making Jay a sandwich?
Love it! That's about all I've used our rolling pin for, too. We even used the same tiles. Looks good! Hopefully the thumb gets to healing soon. :)
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