I was sitting in my living room grading papers, when Dottie inspired me to be distracted. Her persistence in nudging me and overall cuteness coaxed me into a game of fetch, or "go get em,'" as we call it here in the Schmeebz household. Life shouldn't be all work and no play - right? Procrastination justified.

I was going to write this blog from the perspective of Dottie, then I stopped myself. Did I really want to go there? Did I really want to be
that person who writes blogs from the perspective of their dog? No, not today anyway.
I ended up taking a series of pictures of our interaction, and didn't realize until later that it sequences perfectly this common occurrence.

Dottie found this festive doorknob cover somewhere in the Christmas stuff. She thinks it's her toy now. I mean, who wouldn't want the head of a bear dressed as Santa wearing a red bowtie as their plaything?
The drop in front of you is always the initiation of the game. She's giving me the eye as if to say, "game on."

I ignore her. (I'm such an attentive caretaker) So she nudges it closer, as if maybe I missed the first dropping of the top of a decapitated bear directly in front of me.

I still ignore her. So she beats up on Santa-tie-guy in front of me. Maybe I will step in and save this poor trunkless cub by chucking him through the air far away from the evil pup.

And yet I still ignore her. (Is that bad parenting?) So what does she do? Gives the old "cute face" to the one-who-always-caves. He is more commonly known as Jay, or the man with the large forehead.

Where did bust-of-hoho-bowbear go in this picture? Jay picked it up. The look works every time.

Finally, the little dipface brings her festivuscarnivorous back to me. The one who ignored her all along. I don't think we'll probably ever bring her hunting.
Part of me is glad you didn't write this blog from Dottie's perspective... the other is a little disappointed the world missed out on that :)
love you and miss you!
i'm with the first part of ashley. since you avoided that horrible situation, we can still be seen in public together.
since that happens about once every three years.
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