Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You crack me up.

Author's Note: I'm sorry about the way this post is written, I couldn't resist.  I really couldn't. I tried to write it like a normal human being, but it wasn't possible.  Please proceed with heavy eye-rolling. 

Maybe it's been the eggs-traordinary suggestive nature of Easter marketing, but we've been eating an egg-ceptional amount of eggs in our house lately.  I kind of forgot that I like hard boiled eggs, and I'm not egg-sactly sure Jay had ever eaten one in his life.  Either way, they're egg-streamly yummy.

What's handy about eggs is that I can boil them in advance, and I'm egg-static that we can use them in a lunch or a breakfast really easily.  Now that's egg-citing. Or, if that's too egg-stravagant for your taste, you can just pop them in your mouth...

Jay was egg-splosively angry this day...

I've been egg-sperimenting with lunches lately and my lunch of choice has become a hard boiled egg, diced cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and some honey mustard in a salad. 

Delish. It egg-ceeds my egg-spectations.

Do you have any egg-samples of how you're using eggs in your kitchen? Or how your ridiculous wife can't resist a silly play on words?  You are welcome to share either! 

As for me, That's all yolks. 

1 comment:

Ashley Schrage said...

i love hard boiled eggs! i eat at least one a day. i like to eat them right away so they're HOT :)