Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Progress, Progress, Progress!

It seems like we've been checking a lot of things off our to-do list lately and it.feels.great.  I know I'm not the only one who is feeling this way when Jay sends me emails with exclamation marks in them!  Gosh it feels good to be making progress!

So what's new? Here's a quick photo-phone-dump to give you an idea.

These two mugs have had to go get our fingerprints done, send in some immigration forms, and get our background checks started. All things to get the ball rolling, rolling, rolling. 

Our kitchen table has officially turned into paper-chase central. It looks like this at all times, and we just eat in the opposite corner of the paperwork.  See the salt and pepper, they prove my point.  If our dinner has any spilling potential, Jay makes us eat at the table in the basement.  We spent a lot of time on these documents, and would hate to mess one up with a pizza sauce splatter! 

This week marked the start of Cyclone football! We get really geeked out to be back in the town of our alma mater, and although the Clones aren't the best team ever, it's a nice excuse to tailgate and get that "college" feeling again! 

We took a detour on our way to Ames and bought a crib.  Yikes!  Our homestudy has started and we were told we need to begin getting our house "kid ready". Well, kids need a place to sleep, and I had a coupon.  So...check! Another thing off the list.  

I couldn't resist having a crib in a box in my house.  That is too much for this girl to handle! So we spent all day Sunday taking EVERYTHING out of the two upstairs bedrooms we currently use as a guest room and as an office and repurposing the spaces. We now have a kids room (Holy cow I have a kids room at my house!!!) and a guest room that also works as an office space.
Here is the kid's room with the crib up and the day bed in it. It is not decorated and you can bet big money the wall color will change - but it makes me feel like we've made a lot more room for the little ones in our life.  The closet is empty and ready to be kidafied.  My newest itch I need to scratch is decorating. Ohhhh how I love decorating!  I know these things are not important, but they are fun, and I'm enjoying it right now! 

I realize this room could sit kidless for over a year easy, and I'm okay with that, this is part of the process for me. It helps me to slowly picture these little people that are going to enter our lives.

This week felt like bigtime progress and left a big ole smile on my face.  This is the first week we've really felt like we made substantial movement, as most weeks are full of waiting on something or another. In the meantime, Jay and I are enjoying every moment of being DINKS (double income no kids), but also excitedly preparing for our kids.  Next week: home visit!


Amber said...

I just got goosebumps! How exciting! :)

Ashley Schrage said...

HUGE smile on my face seeing the crib set up!!!!