Disclaimer: the following blog post amazingly proves my old-person-ness, my immaturity, and my dorkiness all in one post! Bonus!!

I've been looking forward to Halloween for weeks. Jay and I decided this year we weren't going to dress up. Not because I don't LOVE to come up with a costume and make it - because I absolutely do. But because we have a neighborhood full of hundreds of kids (literally) and I thought it would be just as fun to pass out candy and stay at home. Yes, I realize this makes me sound old, but I'm okay with that.

We carved our pumpkins in anticipation - and this became an all-afternoon event. I don't consider myself to have a lot of artistic abilities, so it took a lot of concentration.

Didn't Jay's Iowa State pumpkin turn out awesome? The one on the far left is supposed to be a dog with it's tongue out...but you can't really tell.
6:00 came and I awaited anxiously at my door complete with TONS of candy, glow in the dark "BOO" shirt, and witch hat headband. I'm SUCH a loser. : )

Rather than recap the complete disappointment that happened in the next 2 hours, I will be brief. We had about 30 trick-or-treaters. 30. I was prepared for like 300. I was so bummed.
I asked our nearby neighbors and they all had similar experiences - prepared for a ton of kids, got hardly any.
So trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood, I say BOO to you tonight. I go to all this trouble to buy you good candy (not just the cheapest I could find) and this is the thanks I get?
I know I'm supposed to the adult here, but too bad! BOO to you Halloween!
love the dog paws -- could totally tell that's what you were going for. i hear you on the # of kids. we thought trick-or-treating was supposed to be huge on post too but only got like 6 kids. now we have tons of candy that we don't need! we weren't quite as prepared though -- you went all out :)
That's nothin!
You know you're really old when you turn off all the lights and pretend you aren't home while watching good shows from the past week on your DVR :)
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