Spring cleaning fever has hit our house, and we had to come face to face with a big project that has been looming on our horizon for quite some time now. We've tried to avoid it, but it was sort of a circus full of elephants in the room and it had gotten way beyond awkward. Guests would come to our house and ask,
"What's behind that door?" Nervous glances exchanged.
"Door? What door? Oh, there's nothing back there."
Nothing but the secret shame. Here she is in all her glory.
Not much exercise happening on that treadmill. |
See that freezer in the background? With a tv in front of it? And a rug on top of it? We used that a lot, too. |
Shoes were stored on that shelf, and then it broke. And then it stayed that way. |
At this point, you get the idea. We kept it secret for a reason. After 9 hours of a tag-team, kick-ass pattern of sort, purge, organize, restock....we ended with this. Sanity restored. Hallelujah.
That's right, the shoes are not only organized, they're categorized. |
All of my bins still awaits labeling (I'm trying to convince my man friend that I've earned a labelmaker), but I now have a bin for each and every thing possible. There is one for each season/holiday, one with purses, one with bags, one with hats/mittens/scarves, nostalgia bins, camping bins, etc. We cleared out plenty of room to exercise, and a special stool to watch someone workout. Haha, just kidding.
Wait, there's a FLOOR in this room? |
We can now use the freezer without a scarecrow, a boob tube, and a down comforter getting in the way. What a weird sentence
that was.
That's my small pile to go to school. |
Shockingly enough, the find of the day was NOT the floor. See those big gray tubs in the background of the picture above? We found a Christmas tree in one of them. A Christmas tree. A full-sized put-it- together-piece-by-piece Christmas tree. Umm, it doesn't belong to us. And we don't know where it came from. And we don't know what to do with it.
On that note, if you are missing your tree, or you'd like to take a seemingly nice one off of our hands next winter, please let us know. We'd be happy to oblige.
Happy spring cleaning!
1 comment:
I could expect a Camel lamp...but not a Christmas tree... :)
Quick/inexpensive fix for your label maker--take your laptop downstairs, sit in front of the tubs, type a label for each on a label sheet using Microsoft word... print, voila. I saved you some money and time! :)
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