Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We practiced my name...

Today was my sixth day as a 3rd grade teacher. The first six days have been an absolute blast. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed teaching 5th grade. But 3rd graders are different.

3rd graders walk into your door full of enthusiasm, curiosity, and a need to please. Yet they take pride in gaining independence. 3rd graders find absolute joy in learning a letter of the alphabet in cursive. 3rd graders love read aloud time and sitting on the carpet.

A couple of days ago we practiced how to pronounce my name. SHHHH-MITS. Easy enough. Wrong. Add a "Mrs." to the front of that and you've got a tongue twister.

I have been called Mrs. Smiths, Mrs. Schmit, and my all time favorite - Mrs. Smich.

"Um....Mrs. do you do this math problem?"

How could you not smile at that?

1 comment:

Ashley Schrage said...

too cute. i wish i could see you in action at school!