Back up, you know the kinds I'm talking about, right? Those are the ones where all of the pieces get shipped to you from some magical house factory in some mystical land where only homes are made. After you receive a few simple shipments, POOF your home is built in weeks! How idyllic.
Not really. Tonight I partook in a project Jay happily dubbed "Habitat for Gingermanity." In just a few short hours I built a home with my own two hands out of prefabricated materials for a gingerbread family in need. I'm not kidding you, it was something that could have qualified for Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
Here's how it all went down:
Step 1: Since I have only home-constructing ability and no cookie-constructing ability, lay out store-bought gingerbread making materials.
Step 2: Every home begins with a good foundation. This one looked pretty solid.
Step 4: Prepare the framing of the house for roof. See any potential problems coming my way?
Let's try Step 5 again: Reinforce the frame of the house with a LOT more frosting. Secure roof. Nothing could knock this baby down.
Step 6: Beautification. (The designer looks a little worried...)
Step 7: "MOVE THAT BUS!!!" Look how thrilled the happy couple is to see their new home!
Step 8: An up-close look at the design of this one-of-a-kind home.
The front door...first impressions are everything.
Quality landscaping.
Leaves you with a smile. :)
Wow, what an exhausting, but gratifying couple of hours. For any of you out there looking for a good cause to support this holiday season, consider Habitat for Gingermanity. It will change your life.