Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend Checklist

This weekend has been full of checklists. To me, there is nothing more satisfying then making a list, then checking things off as they get accomplished.  Well, actually, there are plenty of things I like more than checklists, but I do like making lists - okay? 

Jay and I hashed out our weekend in checklist form when he came home from work on Friday, and the rest of the weekend we divided and conquered.  I think this weekend was the perfect combination of chores, errands, fun, quality time, friends, and all the good stuff in between.  That's what weekends are all about.

So here's the cliff's notes version of our weekend in checklist form.  Booyah!  

Thursday: (What? your weekend doesn't start on Thursday?)
- Conferences
- debriefing of conferences with colleagues over refreshing beverages

- Sleep in late... because I can!
- Breakfast and a Sam's club run with mom because she's cool and I love her! 
- Clean house in the afternoon... get distracted by the dog laying in the sunshine
- Cuddle with Dottie in the sunshine while watching bad television like "Say Yes to the Dress"
- Diner date with Mr. Shinyforehead
- a small enough amount of shopping that Shinyforehead doesn't mind
- Quality time with the hubby, the Dottie, and the DVR

- Clean the house for company - why don't we always keep our house this clean?
- Jay pick up mounds and mounds of poop now that the snow has melted (gag, gag...)
- Jay take down Christmas lights
- Pick up cupcakes downtown and smile because I  
- Dottie run in the backyard like a little fool!  
- Fareway! 
- Guys have their "shower"  and do manly things
- Stay home with the neighborhood ladies and kiddos and chat all night

- Sub plans for next week's trip
- Sunday Carlos lunch with Jayber
- Baby shower with the best neighbors around
- Finish the submarine plans and take a big sigh of relief!
- Go to bed early because I'm exhausted!

I love weekends!


Johnni said...

Honestly, do you ever add the task to the end of the list AFTER you've finished just to check it off and feel more accomplished? Not that I've done that or anything... :)

Kelsey said...

Johnni - I am TOTALLY guilty of that! What, is that weird?