Friday, March 4, 2011

Long Island Fridays

Long before Fruitful Fridays existed in blogworld, Jay and I had a college Friday tradition: Long Island Fridays.

They started in our yesteryear at Iowa State, (Jay's junior yesteryear... to be exact) when he met a dude named John. They both were business majors and took the same classes. They were both funny dorks. They both liked video games.  They both had amazing-beyond-belief girlfriends. They both had no interest in going out to the bars like typical college students.
So one Friday, the boys got together, ordered pizza, drank CocaCola with a dash of Long Island mix (or was it the other way around?), listened to music, and played video games. Thus, a friendship was born. 
After a couple of Fridays without their dorky boyfriends, the amazing beyond-belief-girlfriends decided they should be friends as well. And Jess and I got in on the pizza, the CocaCola, and ignored the video games completely.  Then, a tradition was born. 
We went on to spend many of our "Long Island Fridays" in college with Jess and John.  Of course not every Friday was pizza and staying in. We ventured out to movies, played late night kickball, tailgated, and took weird trips to Target where John and Jay tried to convince the other to impulsively buy more videogame systems.
Now, over the years, the four of us have done some growing up.  We've graduated from college, found jobs in the real world, became happily married, bought houses, and this fall, a baby was born.
Jay and I finally got to spend our first Friday since baby Strawn was born with Jess, John, and little Madyson this weekend. She giggled while we ate pizza.  She watched in awe as Jay and John played NBA Jam on the Wii.  And she chimed right in with some of her own babble while Jess and I gabbed for hours. Madyson's a great addition to the Long Island Crew!

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