The battle of the dirty dishes is evolving. If meal preparation and the cleaning of the aftermath is nothin' but a thang at your house, then you probably won't relate to this post. Those two chores seem to be monumental at the casa de Schmeeblitz, thus, they warrant a timeline.
Summer 2008: "You cook, I clean" is established. It's logical and fair. Most of the time "You cook" consists of eating out and carrying out. Consequentially "I clean" consists of throwing away leftovers or wrappers where appropriate. See also: You fly, I buy.
I love Azteca!!! |
Summer 2009: Jay and Kelsey move to Cedar Falls. The era of eating out ends. Buh-bye delicious Quad Cities cuisine.
Why would leave a place with such great food? |
Winter 2009: Grilling season is over, so Kelsey does most of the cooking. Jay slowly changes definition of "I clean" to mean loading the dishwasher, and leaves the big pots and pans for Kelsey to handwash. Kelsey also unloads dishwasher. She thinks this is bunk and tells him so.
I spilled this jello all over my mom's brand new kitchen. And myself. |
Fall 2010: "We cook together, we clean together" is established. It's fun and cute for about two weeks until we keep bumping into each other in the kitchen. "Get outta my kitchen!" she yells. Oh crap, Kelsey just called it
her kitchen. What did she do now???
Ahh, together :) |
Winter 2010: Queen Kelsey de Dishes Dirty reigns happily as ruler of the kitchen. Jay pitches in plenty, but no real roles clearly defined. Grocery shopping is done together. Impending conflict looms.
Oh phew, Texas Roadhouse |
January 2011: Jay starts class, Queen Kelsey de Dishes Dirty loses enthusiasm to be ruler of the kitchen. She chants "Dining for no fun!" and pouts about her chores. Then one night, she irrationally displaces her missing of Jay into venting her frustrations about kitchentorial duties. Poor Jay gets yelled at, Kelsey realizes her folly, apologizes, and a new law is established.
Jay misses hamburgers |
March 2011: It's the longest law so far. "I will cook, and I will clean the dishes. You will unload the dishwasher that same night. And if you forget, I don't make dinner the next night!" (Actually, word to my motha' on that one, she helped me think of that idea)
King of the Kitchen |
Whaddya think? Good compromise? Will this one last? Or will the era of eating out Cedar Falls style begin? :)
In our house Ross cooks and cleans. :) I think that's fair!! I'd rather clean a toilet than unload the dishwasher or put away clean laundry.
Seriously...the things I deal with. Amber just admitted to leaving me with...Cooking, Cleaning, Dishes, and Laundry. She spins a brush around a toilet every six months. Winner.
Oh my gosh, you guys crack me up. I am completely laughing out loud over here!!
He's got you on that one, Amber... Live in cook, anyone? That's basically what I have for the time being. She cleans up and tries any new recipe you don't have time to get around to shopping for. I'd offer her services but I don't think I can give them up right now... :) Let me know what works best, Kels. Going to dive into the same journey in a few months again!
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