Monday, January 3, 2011

An Explanation and Some Foreshadowing

In going with the organization of Kelsey's and my blog, we're going to try to dive into a different topic every day. My lovable rants on the rest of the world can still be found at my old blog (which can be found here: I will still update that blog occasionally, at least until my wife tells me, "It's stupid for you to have four blogs, just post on our mutual blog." Luckily for me, she hasn't called me stupid (about that) yet.

I'll be responsible for the Monday blogs on this site (as well as others). Why? Because they are boring. Am I a boring writer? No. I am a very exciting writer. You are clearly thrilled by what you are reading right now. You can barely contain yourself. Well CALM DOWN. Your acting up is embarrassing you and me (especially you though). Nope, I am responsible for the Monday blogs because eventually they will become ruminations on work, work-life, life, finances, etc. I planned to start off today by writing about how I budget, but would a reinvigorated blog be best served by immediately diving into Excel spreadsheets and tight budgeting? If you answered yes, I agree. However if you answered no, you are probably in agreement with the rest of Blogonia. I'll sneak in the budget blog at a later time, when you least expect it.

Mostly though, Mundane Mondays will be about Kelsey's and my life, and what it's like to be in our late twenties/early thirties. It's a strange, awkward age that no one really prepares you for. It's an age that is sort of like being a Junior in high school--you are no longer naive, optimistic and carefree Freshmen (aka a college student), but you aren't quite a mature Senior ruling the school (aka complete that metaphor with whatever you think will bring you's really quite different for everyone) . Half your friends will talk about getting smashed drunk while the other half talk about how great their careers are going. Some people don't want to let go of their youth. Some people want to prove they are capable adults ready to earn millions. Some people have budding families. Some people have large families. Some people still think marriage is for the birds. Some people are really happy. Some people act really happy because they are afraid their friends will think less of them if they aren't happy.

My generation has a tough time admitting when they are wrong or when they need help. We don't like to ask questions if something confuses us. We think we should know everything. We act like we know everything. We really don't know that much though. We know very little. To quote the great Antoine Dodson, "We are so dumb."

So yeah, it's like high school, only it's not high school because the decisions people are making--buying a house, buying a car, getting married, having one, two, three, forty children, moving to Paraguay, living paycheck to paycheck, gambling--actually affect the rest of their lives. They won't eventually graduate and move away from everyone that ever knew about the time they made out with so-and-so or lied about such-and-such. It's as if life stopped being polite...and started being real. I'm not saying I have all (or any) of the answers, but sometimes I think simply mentioning, "Hey I worry about this stuff too and here's how I handle it," helps.

There you have it...that confusing off-topic rant is what Mundane Mondays will be all about. It will be about being a pseudo-adult in a world that still thinks I'm a kid and the things I do to hopefully help ease the transition to eventual "real" adulthood.


Johnni said...

Loving the new intentional blogging. I'd leave about 20 comments, but that's a bit excessive... Save a couple clicks and read Kels' e-mails if you must :)

Anonymous said...

Half your friends will talk about getting smashed drunk while the other half talk about how great their careers are going.

Can't it be both?

I like the idea of this new (old?) blog. I am also happy about the gratuitous use of clip art in the previous post. However, the lack of anonymous comments takes a lot of the fun out of replying. :-p