Monday, January 31, 2011


We're going to take a brief interlude from our usually Mundane Monday action to...well....Interlude.

The "Interlude Dance" was born at UNI during 2010 and has been spreading like wildfire. It's humble beginnings started as "The Gruff Dance", and later expanded in dance moves.


This dance craze has taken over Campbell Hall (residence hall), the University of Northern Iowa, UNI Panther sporting events, other college campuses, 

my 3rd grade class, 

and soon... the WORLD.


Viceroy Fizzlebottom said...

As if UNI needed more ammunition for me to regret my degree...

Kelsey said...

Didn't realize you were such a fun-hater.

Viceroy Fizzlebottom said...

Neither did I. I'm so bitter.